Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ladies Day- Come to the Feast

Along with all the ladies at church, we'll be organizing a day for worship, praise and fellowship March 21st. It should be quite an opportunity.
Just to let you know if you clicked in, to see any updates regarding that, there will be updated signup sheets at Wednesday night Bible Study, and there are plenty of things to be done at the February 6 Friday night, Ladies night, at the building 7:00p.m.
Kristi, and she doesn't know it yet, but Sharon will be coordinating, as I signed up to coordinate it, but will be visiting family that date. I had my dates mixed up... but I'm sure the ladies will be in good hands!
BTW, our theme is 'Come to the Feast', Exploring the Bounty of God's Spiritual Blessings.
God is so Good. Have you praised your Creator today?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Too much drama, I need a laugh

There are people who may really enjoy reading this good ole gals blog. If you have ever watched 'The Office' you will enjoy this entry at the BooMama site. It reminds me of (for some reason) how hard I laugh thinking of episodes of 'Friends'. For instance, the one where Ross tries to replicate the sound he thinks a particular pre-historic bird makes. Too much thinking can be just down right comical. Just thinking about Phoebe, gives me a laugh. I've only watched the 'The Office' one time, but this ladies blog about 'The Bachelor' is also quite comical.
p.s. I've never watched the Bachelor, but it's still funny to me.

Inauguration Day

Have to say, I just don't have the time to put into words my feelings on this day. This inauguration day, where history of great proportion has been made. I work hard not to speak negatively on my blog. It's just my choice. My vote was my choice too. And I didn't take that opportunity lightly. I usually cry while I'm voting(just too much emotion inside). I am proud to be voting. Jack went with me this year, and of course Henry. Jack was told to be quiet and respectful of people while we are there, and of course he immediately went in and said, 'My mom's voting for John McCain & Sarah Palin.'. Well, there goes the whole wall-flower feeling. I don't want to discuss the who's and the who didn'ts, but am so inspired today for the promise that has been conveyed if only in a first inaugural speech. I don't have false beliefs that he and his administration can solve it all. Who can unravel the problems our nation is facing. However, I was inspired. I felt compelled to 'do the next thing.' (see previous blog link).
I am truly excited to see a first family, who seem to love each other. And care about their country. I am not African-American, but if I was, I would be proud, to see this family, an apparently honorable family, with apparently noble intentions, take residence in the White House.
I can't word it any better than this blogger, in this particular blog, what this day means to so many. May God bless, President Obama, protect him family, and may God bless America.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Soles 4 Souls - Clean out your closet & then send them in!

I stumbled upon this link on another bloggers site. There are so many smart, industrious, Godly, brilliant people out there. This site is looking for shoes for charity. You can donate on-line through pay-pal if you are so inclined. Reading through the stories, I am touched. I can't imagine not having shoes. I love shoes, even though most shoes don't love me, unless they are expensive and narrow. See, I have 'pencil feet'. & like cheap earrings... I can't wear cheap shoes, but really, when the alternative is no shoes, I'll wear free, cheap, wide shoes any day. Read the stories, and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Along those lines, .......
Tonight Jack & I prayed and we thanked God for our food. We are able to pick what we want to eat, at least he can eat what I pick for us to eat. But we have choice, and we have fresh food available to us. So many don't. So many go without, and in the stories I read on this site, many are searching through trash to find food.
Matt 25- mentions 'the least of these' that if we've cared for, fed, clothed one, we have done it to Him. It was mentioned today from the pulpit that we can't really love God if we don't love our fellow man. Doug, you were right. Another point you made, in Proverbs class- about being wise with brain wisdom, but not reaching out or showing our love for mankind. We've really missed the point. I've been entrenched in a study lately on the Images of God from the Bible, including names of God. A book I highly recommend is by Jukes, The Names of God. It was written sometime ago, now in republication, but truly in some places it reads like a prayer. Brains/wisdom and a heart for God's will. It's an amazing book, with insights into the people of the Bible and the lesson's learned through God's revelation of Himself.
Something to pray about, having a heart full of knowledge of God, but not just stopping at wisdom.

Need some space? Organizing CD's, less the boxes

OK, so the boy's are now doing walkie talkies so I have 2 more minutes. Another entry on 'Rocks in My Dryer' is about some serious organization. You have to go to this blog if only to see the picture of empty CD boxes. It's pretty impressive. Check it out.

Analysis Paralysis - Getting Started

This seems to be a disease for me. It comes from too much to do. And too many distractions, like the slinky that is flying around the room about to clothesline my 2 year old. But for now, I'll post this I read on another blog. Really good, so I'll go and 'do the next thing' while you read this poem, ie..while I go gather the nerf gun and the slinky, and read a Bible story to my kids.
God bless you tonight and a good day to you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Character is cumulative

"Your genuine action will explain itself and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing. The force of character is cumulative." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Things kids say

January is here, and around our house it might as well be the height of tax season. We made an error in our taxes one year that held up the normal process, and since then, we start January 1, filing our paperwork. So apparently it was on our minds and consequently in our conversation. Jack piped up the other day and said, "Jesus is more importanter than taxes." I'm not sure if he was really talking about taxes, or about money in general. There's so much talk about the financial world in going around these days. We try to be consciencous about our finances, and talk pretty openly around our table. Our kids are young enough, we're still naive to think they don't understand some things they do. Even Henry at 2 is gathering way more than I thought he was. Anyhow, here's to a New Year of hoping that we truly make God's priorities our's.

In light of that, we've been doing the Daily Bible Reader my Dad published years ago. There are 2 volumes but we're using the original with the updated study helps. Tonight we read about the Tower of Babel. A few brief verses, and a few brief questions. Good stuff. You can check into getting your own copy from the Biblical Resource Center & Museum. You can also go directly to the museum e-bay store and buy a copy here.

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...