Friday, February 24, 2012

Easter... has it really been a year?

How can time go so fast? Really. It seems just yesterday I was working out the details of Jack's end of the year performance, and the wedding where Henry was the ring bearer with Eden.. Then came along Easter. Will I be ready this year? Could I possibly ever be ready for anything again?
We watched the special about Steve Jobs last night, innovator/designer creator over at Apple. Had no idea how bright he was, and how life had dealt him a pretty surreal episode when he was ousted from Apple. Then returned to bring it back. In between, he funded and eventually in essence owned Pixar. Pixar. Shazam.
So today, take-away... as I make frozen pizza and work through teaching textbooks with Jack & with Henry, ready to head to TKD-- where will they go, what will they do?
Who really knows.
I saw this paradigm on the web/facebook yesterday. I'll try to link it.
Title is 'Schools kill creativity'. It was definitely food for thought. Shared by a homeschool mom of 5 with others. Interesting. Btw, I don't think the gist of this presentation is to proclaim homeschooling victorious. It made me wonder-- in general. Pretend you have 'no opinion' on the method. Give it a try. I found it very interesting.

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...