Sunday, December 28, 2008

Visiting 'Diary of an Accidental Farmwife' blog proved very helpful for me tonight. Reading her post 'Let it Be' shared the thought 'Character is Cumulative.' After reconnecting with several old friends on FB, I'm glad to read this and hope that they know this too. Your past is what it is, even if it's only a few days old. You can only do the next right thing. Whatever that may be for you. And letting it go, may be just that. In order to move on to that which God has in store. Thankyou blogger friend.....for sharing your thoughts.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

One year later....

I won't try to be profound it's late, but Christmas day has come,and gone. I'm so grateful for all the blessings I have in my life. We have had a peaceful day.... keeping potential mayhem at bay. We read the Nativity story from the Bible last night, and sang Silent Night. Jack lit candles, with help from us, and it was precious. We haven't always done this, but I've owned a nativity set since I was 4 or 5. Dad brought it back from Israel, while on a tour/dig. Those pieces, even as precious as they were, became scattered. But we have 2 now, thanks to Dad, once again. One is mine, and one is Jack's. This year during the reading, Jack illustrated the parts with his stable and characters. We had kept our decorations in the house to a minimum this year, but he reminded me the other day, we needed to get them out. We've been a little under the weather, and just haven't had the energy to do much at all. But it's made it's way into every evening's Bible reading, and especially last night. I've added the funniest picture of all of our set. Taken last year, Jack created quite a stir with his new addition to the stable's purpose. But this year was different. He believes, and that brings joy to my heart. He knows why our Savior came, in his simple way, and he knows sacred carols are different from Santa songs. Lord, help me to continue to guide him, and Henry & our home, to see you in every season, in every day, for You are there. Let no rock cry in my place, for You Lord are worthy of praise, and let me never forget it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Memories of Sneaux

Well, we're back into the 70's and I'm thinking about my garden for the spring. That's how long winter lasts around here. I love Louisiana, I even appreciate the warm weather, but I really miss seasons, really miss snow, weather that is not hot or sweaty. some of my picutres look like Michigan, it is so snowy.

I've been facebooking lately, but I think I enjoy blogging to much to abandon. Just a different conversation altogether. But I have connected with people, family & friends, that I just wouldn't have talked to otherwise.

We've been sick lately, just colds, so I've been a little 'off my blog'. But I am having a very slow & gentle Christmas season, and intend to blog more.

I highly suggest The Simple Wife blog on Monday's for memory Monday, as well as a recent questionarie that she posted that was very sweet.
One more thing, Meg mentioned this book in LBC last week. Great for gift or starting a New Years Resolution or memory monday for the family

Best from the Bayou....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Snow in Louisiana

We actually had 3" -- about 15 minutes away there was 5.5 inches! Amazing. Jack made a snowman in our front yard! Can you believe it!

Southern Snow and Slow Decorating - January 2025

Are you comfortable in your home? Have you been hanging on to things that don't serve your aesthetic? Yes, we all have an aesthetic. It...