Sunday, August 10, 2008

What happens when you are reading e-mail...

The other day, while reading e-mail, it got realllly quiet in our house. I went to find the boy's and this is what I found.
Fortunately for me, it was washable markers. My brother cut my past-shoulder length hair when we 'got quiet'. At least Jack didn't give home-tatoos' a try. I really think this was his effort at the whole thing.
We've had a BUSY July, and now we're into the season of birthday's. Friends and family have birthdays from here on out. We are working 'towards' a party. We're just not there yet.
I keep looking at 'blondy'. Slightly reminiscent of Kiss.
I prefer batman & robin.
We just returned from the beach, and are about to venture into a Kindergarten Co-op. Homeschool is now our objective for future education. We are on track for an exciting fall of learning. We are currently reading Swiss Family Robinson. We are also working on the 'I can Read' series. I purchased a couple from Barnes & Noble, but also from e-bay. Ebay provides so many more. We've also checked out Arnold Lobel's books. He's famous for The Wind in the Willows. 'Grasshopper on The Road' is hillarious. I have laughed out loud. It is sooo funny. It so like people you meet everyday, and real insight into myself. What a laugh. Jack thought it was hillarious.
That's the kid's blog, but I've got to go, put them to bed.
HOpefully I'll get to blog about my latest adult literature. Can't wait!

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...